Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Getting Pumped

Just got in from Jack Sh*t's place, and we had an easy win with TOM on our side. Check out Jack's post on "The League of Extraordinarily Fat Gentlemen" http://jackfit.blogspot.com/2009/09/league-of-their-own.html

Tomorrow I will be going down to the new gym. I wanted to go Sunday but my back has been bothering me and today I was really busy at work. 

Also, I am working on a personal challenge, which is walking a 5k race. I've got four weeks left to train, and  I tell you, our running/walking coach, Danny Haralson is so motivating, and I am going to share some snippets from the emails that he sends out:

If not you, then who? If not now, when? 

Let me add one more to that - "Why not you? There's also another great quote that says, "Some people see things as they are and ask "why", and some people dream things that haven't been and ask "why not"?

We are into the 2nd week - one week is down, gone, behind you and one week is ahead of you - You are one week better than you were! Isn't that awesome? How many others can say that, now, today? ONE WEEK BETTER. If the only person you have to compete against is the person you were 2 weeks ago, you are already WINNING! And in another week, you'll be that much better, that much stronger, that much leaner and that much closer to your goal. Be patient with yourself, believe in yourself and if you get down (IF! I said), then just ask yourself, "why not me, why not NOW?" Then get out there and run!

Keep up the runs! Be patient with yourself. Right now it may seem 'hard' but each week you WILL get better and in 2 or 3 weeks you'll look back and think this week was EASY! But if you quit.......it'll always be hard. A hard run is just that, 1 day, one time, a hard run - but quitting is forever.....Why not you? This is YOUR time, YOUR dream, YOUR goal! DO the runs and it's just a matter of weeks, just a matter of weeks - I promise (is this a hint?) that within 10 days you WILL surprise yourself.......Why NOT you? I can't think of a better person........

-- Danny Haralson

Danny's web site is http://www.rununiversity.com/ and his blog is http://blog.rununiversity.com/ Check them out!

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  1. Hi. I see you have a personal challenge and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in Project 31. Project 31 my way of offering a little support for people who want to jump start a goal, change their lifestyle habits and so on. So take the time to read about it. The details are at my blog.

  2. Great advice, I love it, what a fabulously motivating email :-)

  3. Wow, i need to meet this Danny, do you think he will come to Scotland to see me ;) Are you running or walking? I am still trying to learn how to run but for the love of god every time i start after a few minutes i get a stitch in my ribcage on the right hand side everytime, does he have any tips for that? x

  4. I love it! I needed to hear that today! GO STEPHEN!!!

  5. Wow ... what a powerful statement. I would love to meet this guy Danny.

    You are doing wonderfully Steve. Keep up the great job!

  6. You know what I was thinking? Do you realize how inspirational you are for training for a 5K? There are SO MANY PEOPLE who read your blog, read that your training for a 5K and think to themselves "No way I could walk a 5K!"

    That's it Stephen, people are looking up to you. I know you can do this, keep it up!

  7. Thanks for the shoutout and the motivational message. Like Jen said, you're a pretty motivational message your own self. Keep up the great work, fella.

  8. Caley: I am just walking the 5k, and Danny’s programs are primarily for runners, but they didn’t hesitate in allowing me to walk with them. Very cool!

    I forwarded your question to Danny. Here’s his response:

    “To answer Caley - It sounds absurdly simple, but start slower. Here's why: A 'stitch' is a cramp - that's a fact that is pretty widely recognized, and a cramp is your body's way of saying "slow down" regardless of where the cramp is located. Your body is accustomed to a certain breathing pattern, and as you get stronger via running more/longer/further, then your breathing pattern (lung capacity) will increase - but in the interim, slow down. Ever notice that when you get a 'stitch' and you stop to walk as your breathing returns to normal the stitch subsides? It's because of 'regulated' breathing - your body is accustomed...so try starting slower, letting your body/lungs acclimate and see how that works for you....hope this helps...”

    I hope this solves your problem. If you have any more questions for Danny, he can be reached at danny@rununiversity.com – He really loves helping people, and he has trained thousands of people here in Birmingham, AL in his couch to 5k/10k/Half-Marathon/Marathon programs.

  9. Everybody:

    As Cartman would say: "I love you guys"

    Thank you for your wonderful comments and encouragement. It really means a lot to me. I'll be keeping your words in mind when I run into a snag on my long, long walks.

  10. I just found your blog! It cracks me up! LOL
    You're doing so well with your weight loss. Great job!

  11. Thanks for being one of my main inspirations!! Great job. 112 freaking pounds!! That's amazing!!!
